Title: Colorful Bubble Glue Toy for Kids – Fun Bubble Blower
The Colorful Bubble Glue Toy is a fun, pocket-sized bubble blower designed for children aged 7-14. Featuring vibrant neon colors, this lightweight toy provides endless entertainment as it blows colorful bubbles. Perfect for relieving stress, it’s ideal for outdoor play at parks, beaches, or backyards. This nostalgic toy also supports emotional, visual, and intellectual development. A great gift for birthdays or party prizes.
Package Includes: 1 Bubble Glue Toy
Size: 13cm x 18.8cm | Weight: 38g
الوزن | 8 كيلوجرام |
الأبعاد | 1 سنتيميتر |
Recommend Age | 6-12y |
Is Electric | No battery |
Gender | Unisex |
Shape | Round |
Plastic Type | ABS |
Warning | no eat |
Material | Plastic |
Type | Bubble Set |
$37,45 – $45,33 EV
$10,73 – $10,81 EV