Title: Baby Simulation Phone Toy with Teether – Infant Early Education Learning Machine
This multifunctional baby phone toy combines entertainment with early education. Designed for infants, it features a built-in teether for soothing gums while also stimulating sensory development. With engaging music and sound effects, this toy provides an interactive learning experience for your baby. The simulation phone encourages tactile exploration and helps develop motor skills while offering soothing sounds for bedtime. Ideal for babies 3 months and older, it is a great gift to encourage learning and play.
Key Features:
الوزن | 15 كيلوجرام |
الأبعاد | 3 سنتيميتر |
Item Type | Toy Phones |
Material | Plastic |
Is Electric | No battery |
Plastic Type | ABS |
Warning | Avoid proximity to fire sources |
Features | Sounding |
Recommend Age | 3-6Y |
Certification | FCC |
Gender | Unisex |
$4,42 – $8,08 EV
$11,50 – $16,42 EV